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The Baron of Buittle, Judge of the Baronial Court

The Rt. Rev'd & Much Honoured James de Balliol-Cavendish of Buittle


The Baron Bailey

The Hon. Tobias Adam Casimir Parker of Buittle, M.A. & M. Litt. (StAnd)


The Clerk of the Court

Andrew Lambrou Charalambous, Esq., CertHE (Oxon), LLB (Lond), FIoD, Barrister at Law


The Dempster

Ambrose Elliot Dowe Davies


The Baron-Serjeant

Captain Kenneth Charles Levine, USMC (Ret.)


The Procurator Fiscal

William James Manchester, Esq., M.Theol. (StAnd) 


Herald & Genealogist

Ethan L MacDonald of Abarone, FSA(Scot)


The Suitors (Jurors of the Court)

           Rebecca Cotton.                      Tudor Baron, Freeman of London                         Joshua Eric Czajkowski        William L. W. Candrick.                         V. Rev'd Andrew Scurr                                               Paula Shaw

             Gordon Hill.                                          Nicholas Stephen


The Bowmen (Castle Guard)

Joshua Eric Czajkowski

Gordon Hill

Nicholas Stephen

Tudor Baron


To see documents relating to the Court please click here.

the baronial court, and the baron's household

Baron's Courts and the Baronial Household have long been a feature of Scots Law and Scottish Life. With the abolition of Feudal Tenure in 2004 the courts lost their official jurisdiction (Any jurisdiction of... barony shall on the appointed day cease to exist; but nothing in this Act affects the dignity of baron or any other dignity or office (whether or not of feudal origin). Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc. (Scotland) Act 2000, Sec. 63 (1.))

Most Baronies do not have a court anymore, but despite the above cited abolition of jurisdiction, some Baron's Courts still exist in a largely ceremonial capacity in Scotland. They now usually comprise a group of individuals who contribute proposals for the betterment of the Barony and its social impact on the local area. Individuals are still appointed to the traditional offices, and ceremonial business, such as the proclamation of a new monarch is occasionally transacted by an official sitting of the court.
Crest of Cavendish of Buittle

Buittle Castle
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